Monday, November 6, 2017

Act 1: The Sailor's Wife's Chestnuts

            When reading Macbeth, one can see that the the sailor's wife and Lady Macbeth are supposed to be the same personIn Act 1 Scene 3, a witch approached a sailor's wife and asked for one of her chestnuts. The wife refused to give her one which angered the witch. Because of the refusal the witch decided to punish the sailor for the rest of his life. This is basically foreshadowing what will happen later on in the story regarding Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and the three witches. The sailor's wife represents Lady Macbeth, because she wants to mess with black magic but is not willing to give anything in return. Due to her ignorance of the black arts her husband, Macbeth, will end up suffering the consequences. This situation is similar to when you ask for something but your not allowed to get it, so you throw a tantrum. The witches are the ones throwing the tantrum due to not receiving anything from the sailor's wife/Lady Macbeth.

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